Katrina ramblings...
My heart breaks for all the victums of this storm. Last night my husband and I could only talk about how we wish we could be there to help in some way. He talked about getting generators set up and power to those in need and I just wanted to help those who are infirmed or injured.
I remember when we lived in North Carolina during hurricane Floyd. At the time I worked in a long term care facility. I was part of the managment team at the time and we were mandated to stay at the facility during the hurricane. Obviously, someone had to take care of the patients regardless if there was a hurricane or not. I was there for about 28 hours and then drove home. My children stayed at the facility too; along with other employee's kids. I just think about those type of patients today in this hurricane. I did read that many were successfully evacuated but I wonder.
The flooding in New Orleans...after the hurricane...after they thought it 'wasn't as bad as it could have been' is just terrible. I look at the photos with horror. Just awful. I have never been to New Orleans, but I know many people that have and know several who are from there. My good friend Mandy and I took a trip to Biloxi, Pascagoula, and Gulfport MS. We met some wonderful people there and had a fabulous time.
Here, we are not getting all the news that I know they show in the USA. Because we get Armed Forces Network we get a few channels (5-6?) whereby they show a variety of shows on each one. One is usually news though so we've been able to watch some coverage.
We are just so saddened.
I can't imagine what a public health crisis this will be. All that water. Oil, raw sewage, human and animal remains floating in it. ugg.
I remember when we lived in North Carolina during hurricane Floyd. At the time I worked in a long term care facility. I was part of the managment team at the time and we were mandated to stay at the facility during the hurricane. Obviously, someone had to take care of the patients regardless if there was a hurricane or not. I was there for about 28 hours and then drove home. My children stayed at the facility too; along with other employee's kids. I just think about those type of patients today in this hurricane. I did read that many were successfully evacuated but I wonder.
The flooding in New Orleans...after the hurricane...after they thought it 'wasn't as bad as it could have been' is just terrible. I look at the photos with horror. Just awful. I have never been to New Orleans, but I know many people that have and know several who are from there. My good friend Mandy and I took a trip to Biloxi, Pascagoula, and Gulfport MS. We met some wonderful people there and had a fabulous time.
Here, we are not getting all the news that I know they show in the USA. Because we get Armed Forces Network we get a few channels (5-6?) whereby they show a variety of shows on each one. One is usually news though so we've been able to watch some coverage.
We are just so saddened.
Amy, I have seen pictures of Pascagula on the t.v. and it is completely under water. I suppose that Ship Island is gone. I have been very distraught by all of these happenings down south. I feel helpless and wish that I could od something.
Amy, I've been doing my best to avoid watching or listening to anything that has to do with N.Orleans because it's depressing. I'm not depressed by the Hurricane, but rather by one specific useless reaction to the events taking place in Louisiana: The blame game started within hours of the hurricane, and has not stopped. At times like this the not so pleasant side of human nature shows up. Instead of everyone rallying around to help, people are pointing fingers, blaming race, socio-economic background...
On the positive side, there have been so many stories of wonderful people doing everything they can to make it difference. It's so heartbreaking to think about all the people who've lost everything, including family.
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