Sunday, March 26, 2006

Summer Time hits the EU

Yep that's correct! We are on "Summer Time" now. Clocks changed last night at 1:00am forward. In the USA time doesn't change until the first sunday of April. So, now instead of 7 hours difference between the midwest USA and's 8 hours difference.

This weekend we went for a night out on Friday night with our friend Jools and met some nice people. We did a pub crawl, but started with dinner at the Poisidon restaurant, with wonderful Greek food for dinner....went to Luipold's for some tasty Kolsch (the famous beer from Koln that we had the previous weekend)...and then on to the Manhattan and then to the Irish pub and finally, to the infamous Green Goose. This was the first time we had went to the Green Goose. It wasn't as bad as we had heard, but it wasn't really our type of place (very young crowd) , except I *thought* it was for a few minutes when I heard some music that I wanted to dance to. Luckily, I couldn't find a dance partner. :) Even my own husband wouldn't. Turns out, that is a good thing.

Oh yeah, this is the webpage of the band that we saw at the Irish Pub Friday night. They were quite good.


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