Graduation Day June 10, 2007 7:30pm

Well, Jake missed Stephanie's graduation due to Iraq. And now Brandon's graduation due to Afghanistan. He thinks he might make it for Ann-Marie's graduation 12 years from now!
But as you can see from the photos...we had other guests for the graduation! Italian protesters. Anyway, some of their signs were written in English you might be able to see it above. The protestors, while bothersome, did not come inside and no violence broke out...but everyone was a little on edge and nervous to say the least. It is kind of scary walking through demonstrators lines wearing a dress and heels and holding on to a little kid's hand to get inside to the graduation. I was literally shaking like a leaf when I took this photo. So bad that I didn't think the photo would come out at all. Also, it is an interesting feeling to be protested KNOWING that my husband is downrange right FRIGGEN' now...and they are protesting against it (and the military base here).'s the democratic way, right? And weren't the Roman's the founders of democracy? So there ya have it.
But I was so proud of Brandon. His speech was awesome and he was just ....just so sweet. And he DID IT!!!!! Of course we always knew he would. And as I told's on to better and bigger things!
Stephanie Says: God, could they give it a rest for ONE day?! Brandon looks so cute and grown up. I'm very proud of him. and I wanted to tell you that I about died laughing when you reminded me of the "Breath Boy" story! Classic!
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