Looking out at the city from the Castle
It was a bit foggy when we got up there. The booklet says that in good weather you can see a 1/3 of the way across Slovenia! The castle has existed since the Roman's came through in the 11th century...the 15th century the castle was rebuilt by the Hapsburgs but was made a bit more permanent (replaced wood with stone) and more homey (paintings) in the 17 and 18th century. The Castle wasn't anything near the grand scale of castles that we've been to in Germany and other European countries. And we didn't see the whole thing. There was a coffee bar and an Art Exhibition and a tower and a chapel. It was used as a fortress, the residence of the Governor of the province and also was a barracks and a prison over the years. Now for tourism. Oh and we did see a newly wed bride and groom while we were up there!
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