Halloween fun

We went to the Army family housing area to participate in the Halloween fun on Halloween night. From about 3 to 6pm there was a small 'carnival' which was basically a few halloween type games. No haunted houses or anything, unfortunately.
You can see who Ann-Marie dressed up as this year (again). This will be her last year as Spiderman (we now have 2 spiderman costumes and the one she is wearing is in it's second year of use). And as you can see there were other spidermans at the festivities this year....probably was the most popular costume- must have been 30 of those crawly guys walking around. We don't know the kid who is in the pic above with her but I just thought they ought to have a pic together and the parents didn't mind.
At 6pm trick or treating started...which is really weird because it is in such a limited area (the housing area) and most of the people who live there have kids who want to go trick or treating too. Not very many houses participated. We had given bags and bags of candy (on the last day it was 60% off) to one of the people who live on the housing area so that we could stop by her house and give Ann-Marie the opportunity to pass out candy as well as go around and take it. So you can see Ann-Marie with that scary devilish costumed guy who was the neighbor of the girl I had the candy passing arrangment with. It took only a few minutes and she wasn't scared of that thing anymore. (Actually at first she was sure it was Brandon under there).
How cute does Stephanie look!! A real German girl.
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